Your search resulted in 41 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
"XYLOPHENE ANTI-TERMITES" :A complete range of treatment products against termites
2000 - IRG/WP 00-30230
Dyrup-Xylochimie purpose for several years efficient treatment products for timber and wood materials, with its trade mark : "Xylophèn". As everybody know, termites become an important problem for construction in France. So important that, a national law was voted in May 1999, to define areas where termites are present, in order to protect future landowner. To prevent efficiently termites damages...
L Cubizolles, E Wozniak
Potential use of an emulsified tar oil fraction as a wood preservative: Preliminary technological and environmental assessment
1994 - IRG/WP 94-50028
In order to meet the recent environmental concern specifications of creosote are altered, the B[a]P content is limited and restrictions on the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and higher polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are expected in some countries. Research has been conducted on an emulsion of a selected tar oil fraction. Using a waterborne formulation opens new perspectives for targ...
G M F Van Eetvelde, R Leegwater, M Stevens
The resistance of wood coated with different water-borne paints against colonisation by decay fungi
1996 - IRG/WP 96-10165
The susceptibility of wood painted with model paints of known composition to decay fungi was tested without previous weathering. Included in the study were five alkyd emulsion paints and five acrylic paints; one linseed oil paint and two solvent-borne alkyd paints. It was found that several components influenced the susceptibility of these paints. The results of the present study indicate that the...
J Bjurman
New research data confirming the suitability of bifenthrin as a wood preservative
1996 - IRG/WP 96-30116
Bifenthrin has been further tested against wood destroying insects, and its behaviour in wood has been extensively studied. Bifenthrin proved to be highly effective as a curative and preventative treatment against Anobium punctatum and Hylotrupes bajulus, after both leaching and evaporative ageing. Results of penetration tests with water and solvent based formulations, applied by brushing, dipping...
S Shires, P Héloir, B Chen, G Rustenburg
Influence of Polyvinyl acetate emulsion (PVA) on boron leaching and fungicidal properties
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30451
Boron compounds are very effective fungicides, but unfortunately they leach from wood. In order to improve boron fixation, boric acid, borax were combined with polyvinyl acetate emulsion (PVA). For comparison copper salts were included into this research as well. Selected preservative solutions were chosen for impregnation of Norway spruce wood specimens (Picea abies). Wood blocks were exposed to ...
M Humar, B Lesar, P Kralj
The efficacy of commercial silicones against blue stain and mould fungi in wood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30471
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood samples were vacuum pressure impregnated with quatsilicone micro emulsion (<40 nm particle size), aminosilicone macro emulsion (110 nm) and silicone macro emulsion with alkyl modified side groups (740 nm) and the resulting material properties were studied. Quatsilicone micro emulsion resulted in maximum bulking (4.8%) and anti-swelling efficiency (21.8%) in...
S C Ghosh, C Mai, H Militz
Treatment of Scots pine wood with oil in water and water in oil emulsion systems: Effects on boron leaching and water absorption
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30535
The aim of this study was to investigate the water absorption and water repellent efficiency of oils and oil water emulsions [oil-in-water (O/W) and water-in-oil (W/O)] and possibilities of reducing the amount of boron leaching from treated wood. Scots pine wood samples treated with waste or sunflower oil and water formulations contained 3%BA. The level of water absorption and water repellent effi...
E D Tomak, Ü C Yildiz, A Can
Sorption properties of wood impregnated with aqueous solution of boric acid and montan wax emulsion
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40492
Non-biocidal techniques for wood protection become more and more important, nowadays. One of the possible treatments is use of water repellents. In the present research influence of, one of the possible water repellent, the montan wax emulsion, on the moisturizing and the sorption characteristic of impregnated wood was investigated. To achieve a better protection against wood decay fungi, montan w...
B Lesar, M Humar
Silicon compounds as additives improving alkyd-based wood coatings performance
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40531
The reactivity of cellulose with solvent-born alkyd-based wood coatings supplemented with organosilanes was analyzed. Structural analysis of cellulose subjected to the reaction with organosilanes and following extraction with water was performed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The analyzed IR spectra comprise bands 1250 cm-1 typical for the SiC group and 800 cm-1 typical for ...
B Mazela, I Ratajczak, K Wichłacz-Szentner, P Hochmańska
Effects of intumescent formulation of vinyl acetate-based coating on flame-retardancy of thin painted red lauan (Parashorea spp.) plywood
2011 - IRG/WP 10-40537
Using intumescent coatings on wood-based materials is an effective method for fire safety. The intumescent coatings consist of four major components: (1) binder resin (BR), (2) carbonizing substance (CS), (3) foam producing substance (FPS) and (4) dehydrating agent (DA). Previous studies have demonstrated that the formulation of the four components strongly influences the performance of coatings. ...
Chih-Shen Chuang, Kuang-Chung Tsai, Te-Hsin Yang, Ming-Kuang Wang, Chun-Han Ko
Preparation of Copper Rosinate Emulsion and Its Resistance against Wood Decay Fungi
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30619
A leaching-resistant water-borne copper preservative was prepared by means of the following three steps: (1) Gum rosin was saponified with potassium hydroxide. (2) The soap reacted with copper sulfate to form copper rosinate. (3) The copper rosinate was emulsified with a mixture of Tween 20 and Span 80. Poplar (Populus ussuriensis) wood was impregnated with 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, or 2.0% of the copper ...
Mingxin Zhang, Shujun Li, Qian Wang, Bo Li, Qiong Wu
Modifying wood with paraffin wax emulsion impregnation and thermal modification: hydrophobization effect and mechanism of the combined treatment
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40726
The aim of this study was to enhance the water repellency of wood by a combined treatment of paraffin wax emulsion (PWE) impregnation and thermal modification. Two different treating procedures were used to modify the southern pine (pinus spp.). One is first PWE impregnation and then thermal modification, another is first thermal modification and then PWE impregnation. The treated samples were imm...
Wang Wang, Jinzhen Cao, Cong Chen
Effect of Particle Size on Wax Distribution in Paraffin Wax Emulsion Impregnated Wood
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40779
Paraffin wax emulsion impregnation has been a common eco-friendly approach for improving water repellency of wood. In this study, southern pine (Pinus spp.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvesteris L.) samples were impregnated with paraffin wax emulsions of different solid contents and particle sizes, and then the time domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) was used to elucidate the influence of part...
Wang Wang, Jinzhen Cao, Yiheng Huang
A Synergistically Stabilized Oil-in-Water Paraffin Pickering Emulsion Used in Wood Treatment
2018 - IRG/WP 18-40840
Pickering emulsions (emulsions stabilized by solid particles) are attractive as they have strong similarities with traditional surfactant-stabilized emulsions. In this study, an oil-in-water (O/W) paraffin Pickering emulsion system with satisfying stability and small droplet size distribution was developed by hydrophilic silica particles and traditional surfactants as mixed emulsifiers. The drople...
J Jiang, J Cao
Effect of pretreatment of wood surfaces with a copper monoethanolamine solution on the natural weathering performance of semitransparent stains
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40881
Semitransparent stains for wood products are favored for outdoor applications in Japan because these finishes do not hide the wood grain. However, the photoprotective effects of wood surfaces are low, therefor there is a need to improve the weathering performance. We examined the natural weathering performance of semitransparent stains on wood pretreated with a copper monoethanolamine solution (Cu...
S Isaji, H Shibui, Y Hirabayashi
Monitoring uptake and penetration of pesticides during impregnation of pine (Pinus sylvestris) and spruce (Picea abies) wood with bio-based microemulsion gel formulations
2020 - IRG/WP 20-30756
Even in dry state wood is susceptible to biological degradation. Preservation against biological decay in exposed conditions is conventionally achieved by impregnating the wood with pesticides applied at professional and industrial levels. Impregnation of wood with preservatives is a complex process that involves wood macro- and microstructure, and the physical characteristics of woods. Here we fo...
D Messaoudi, K Ruel, J-P Joseleau