Your search resulted in 48 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Amine copper reaction with wood components: acidity versus copper adsorption
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30161
The bonding sites for copper in wood from CCA, as well as ammoniacal/amine based systems, has long been a topic of investigation. Both phenolic and carboxylic functional groups have been discussed as potential bonding sites for copper. However, no consensus on the adsorption mechanism has been realized. Thus, the selective adsorption of copper in southern yellow pine from ethanolamine-copper solut...
S M Thomason, E A Pasek
Interaction of copper-amine complexes with wood: Influence of copper source, amine ligands and amine to copper molar ratio on copper retention and leaching
1999 - IRG/WP 99-30203
The absorption and leachability of copper in copper amine (Cu-EA) treated wood are influenced by the formulation and the composition of copper amine treating solutions. The sources of copper used, Cu(OH)2, CuCO3, CuSO4 and Cu(NO3)2, in the copper amine complex formulation affect the leachability of copper. Data show that copper amine from CuSO4 and Cu(NO3)2 treated wood has less copper loss during...
Jun Zhang, D P Kamdem
The future for chromium in wood preservation
1985 - IRG/WP 3332
Most water-borne preservatives contain CrVI compounds, originally to reduce corrosion although now also to improve toxicant fixation. Chromium contributes to preservation and this is recognised in, for example, New Zealand and USA where chromium contents are included in calculations of overall preservative activity of CCA formulations, but chromium may also have anti-stain and joinery (millwork) p...
B A Richardson, T R G Cox
Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride: toxicity to Coniophora puteana when formulated in water and organic solvent
1986 - IRG/WP 2250
Results from agar block tests using Coniophora puteana demonstrate that the biological activity of alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride is affected by the nature of the carrier solvent in which it is applied. In contrast to some earlier work, an alkyl ammonium compound in organic solvent formulation was identified that had significantly greater activity than its aqueous equivalent. A simple sol...
D P Blow
Effect of amphiphilic antioxidant alkyl ammonium ascorbate on inhibition of fungal growth: Application to wood preservatives formulation
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30466
Amphiphilic surfactants were synthesized from ascorbic acid and different fatty amines and evaluated for formulation of wood preservation products. Characterization of physicochemical properties of the new compounds indicated classical behavior of cationic surfactants. Antioxidant properties, estimated using methyl linoleate oxidation inhibition method, were similar to that of ascorbic acid teste...
C Gérardin , T Koumbi Mounanga, P Gérardin
Effect of steam on fixation of Cu-amine preservative treated wood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-50251
The rates of copper fixation in copper amine preservative treated wood were investigated with different fixation conditions (20° with drying and 50° without drying) and post-steaming. We also measured the degree of leaching for other biocide components (azoles, quatz, and Cu-HDO). Treatments conditioned at 20° with drying required 50 days or more to fix in woods. While copper was stabilized i...
Sung-Mo Kang, In-Yong Hwang, Suk-Kuwon Kim
Biological efficacy of micronized copper systems
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30485
Soil block, fungal cellar and field stake test data will be presented for micronized copper systems. The copper portion of the formulations is present as a fine dispersion of "micro" particulates while the co-biocide is present as either a soluble quat or an azole containing emulsion. This testing generally used the amine based counterpart as the control preservative system and the micronized fo...
C R McIntyre, M H Freeman
Laboratory Studies on Copper Availability in Wood Treated with Soluble Amine Copper and Micronized Copper Systems
2008 - IRG/WP 08-30489
A laboratory method has been employed to investigate the level of soluble copper in wood treated with various copper-based preservative systems, such as micronized copper (particulate copper) and amine copper solutions. This report describes the methodology and preliminary results on determination of the soluble copper in the treating solutions and the treated wood by these systems, as well as th...
L Jin, P Walcheski, A Preston
Copper preservative systems: A rapid investigation into effects of co-biocides and used treating solutions
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30541
The efficacy of various micronized and amine copper preservative systems was evaluated using soil block testing with the copper tolerant brown rot fungi, Postia placenta. The American Wood Protection Association E22 protocol was used to compare the relative efficacy of preservatives by monitoring compressive strength losses of the systems in southern pine wood. As information, the weight losses ...
T F Shupe, K Ragon, Q Wu, M H Freeman, C R McIntyre
Laboratory evaluation of borate amine: Copper derivatives in wood for fungal decay
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30543
The aims of this study were to evaluate borate: amine: copper derivatives in wood for fungal decay protection as well as the permanence of copper and boron in wood. Wood treated with each of four derivatives of borate:amine:copper prevented fungal decay. Disodium tetraborate ecahydrate (Borax):amine:copper derivatives with retentions of 0.61 to 0.63% after water leaching prevented decay by Gloeo...
G Chen
Studies on Effect of pH on Copper Availability in Copper-Based Preservatives
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30549
Laboratory methods have been employed to investigate the pH effect on the copper solubility of basic copper carbonate. The pH was controlled using two different approaches. One was with the adjustment of pH of the solutions by acid or base using sulfuric acid or sodium hydroxide until the solution equilibriums were obtained for each defined pH. A second approach was to control pH with buffer sol...
L Jin, P Walcheski, A F Preston
Influence of Copper Preservative Type on Earlywood and Latewood Distribution of Copper in Treated Wood
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40507
Some of the new water based copper containing wood preservative systems use particulate “micronized” copper as the primary biocide instead of the more traditional soluble amine copper based systems. Studies were conducted to investigate how this difference in the type of copper system might impact both initial and post drying distribution of the preservatives in wood. Of specific interest wa...
A Zahora
Standardized Field Trials with Micronized Copper
2011 - IRG/WP 11-30564
In 2008, an extensive review of all available data from standardized tests of micronized copper systems was published and there has been considerable work since then. This paper discusses over 20 field stake trials underway in well-known sites such as Gainesville, FL, Hilo, HI and the Dorman and Saucier sites in MS as well as tests from Australia and New Zealand. In addition, 4 ground proximity ...
C R McIntyre, M H Freeman
Further Studies on the Distribution of Copper in Treated Wood Using an XRF Microscope Technique
2011 - IRG/WP 11-40549
There are two distinct forms of copper in aqueous copper based wood preservative systems that are currently used in the United States for treatment of southern pine lumber. These are systems using either soluble copper (typically amine based) or the more recent particulate or “micronized” copper as the primary biocide. Studies reported last year showed that there were distinct differences in...
A Zahora
Effect of Nano and Micronized Particles as Wood Preservatives for Termite Control
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30620
Subterranean termites are a major factor in the biodegradation of wood constructor products. In this study the efficacy of wood treated with micronized copper, zinc oxide and their mixture was compared to that of wood treated with soluble amine copper oxide with subterranean termites in a laboratory test. All of the formulations tested were effective in controlling wood degradation by the termites...
M Akhtari, D Nicholas, A Rowlen, M Arefkhani
Effect of Nano and Micronized Particles as Wood Preservatives for Termite Control
2013 - IRG/WP 13-30620
Subterranean termites are a major factor in the biodegradation of wood constructor products.
In this study the efficacy of wood treated with micronized copper, zinc oxide and their
mixture was compared to that of wood treated with soluble amine copper oxide with
subterranean termites in a laboratory test. All of the formulations tested were effective in
controlling wood degradation by the term...
M Akhtari, D Nicholas, A Rowlen, M Arefkhani
Borate Redistribution in Glulam in an Above Ground Field Test
2014 - IRG/WP 14-30652
Researchers have refocused on the use of boratesin the wood protection industry in the last two decades due to their broad spectrum effectiveness against fungi and insects, and favourable environmental characteristics. This study was designed to determine borate distribution in a limited number of samples from a large field test of composites protected by a combination of coating and borate treatm...
P I Morris, A Temiz, J Ingram
Above-ground performance of a buffered amine oxide treatment system against Mastotermes darwiniensis
2016 - IRG/WP 16-10855
Above-ground H2 field tests against Mastotermes darwiniensis were conducted in far north Queensland to assess the efficacy of buffered amine oxide treatments in the softwoods Pinus sylvestris and P. radiata, and the hardwoods Eucalyptus regnans and E. diversicolor. Untreated hardwoods and slash pine bait wood (P. elliottii) were severely attacked or destroyed, while untreated P. sylvestris was mod...
L J Cookson, R W Clawson Jr
Formation of hydrophobic wood surface by means of thermal treatment and surface modification with alkyl ketene dimer (AKD)
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40738
One of the major shortcomings of wood-based materials compared to technical materials is attributed to their poor dimensional stability in changing climates and in contact with liquid water. Heat treatment induces chemical change with a consequent decreasing of reactivity of the material showing unwanted surface inactivation. Alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) is a widely used sizing agent in papermaking, w...
T Lovaglio, T Meints, L Todaro, W Gindl-Altmutter
Treatability of beechwood railway sleepers with potential creosote substitutes
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40790
Maintenance of an efficient railway infrastructure still requires the use of wooden railway sleepers, particularly because wooden sleepers have more favourable properties for intensified vibrations than concrete or steel sleepers. Creosote, used for decades for the impregnation of railway sleepers, will possibly no longer be available for this application due to European legislation. This reveals ...
N Pfabigan, E Habla, R Gründlinger
Accumulation of copper in parenchyma cells in southern pine wood treated with micronized and amine-copper preservatives
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20657
Our previous research used X-ray micro-computed tomography to examine the micro-distribution of copper in southern pine wood treated with a micronized wood preservative (MCA) and an amine-copper preservative (ACQ). We found that copper in wood treated with MCA was mainly concentrated in fusiform rays (rays containing resin canals), and in vertical (axial) resin canals. A similar, although not iden...
D Feng, M L Turner, A Limaye, M A Knackstedt, P D Evans
Analysis of wooden shingles after seven years of exposure
2022 - IRG/WP 22-20690
Wood is a traditional roofing material in the Alpine regions. In the 17th century, wooden roofing was typically used on more important buildings. Still, today it is predominately used on huts and houses in the hilly regions of northern and north-western Slovenia. Because wooden roofing is expensive, we investigated the possibility of extending the service life of the roofing through impregnation a...
M Humar, B Lesar, D Kržišnik, E Keržič, B Jemec
Wood Protection Using Nano Metal Oxides in Propylene Glycol
2022 - IRG/WP 22-30760
Metals and metal oxides are known to have properties that can protect wood from degradation. Nanoparticles, due to its unique physical and chemical properties can enhance the protection to a much greater extent. Major constraints in dealing with nanoparticle dispersion can only be resolved by identifying a proper dispersive medium. Studies were carried out by preparing nanodispersion of four metal...
S Nair, G B Nagarajappa, K K Pandey