Your search resulted in 52 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Micromorphological and chemical changes of archaeological woods from wrecked ship's timbers
1987 - IRG/WP 4136
Micromorphological and chemical alterations of sea-waterlogged woods obtained from the ship-wrecked materials which had been submerged in Yellow Sea for over 700 years were investigated. The woods were deteriorated in varying degrees by marine organisms depending on species and parts of the woods. Under the light and scanning electron microscope the morphological characteristics of deteriorated wo...
Y S Kim
Influence of water soluble extractives on CCA fixation and leaching performance of red maple and red oak
1997 - IRG/WP 97-30133
We have observed several peculiarities in relation to CCA fixation in red maple and red oak woods such as high variability in fixation rates and leaching performance in maple and precipitate formation in solutions expressed from CCA treated red oak wood blocks at different stages of fixation. We have postulated that the extractives could be the factor of influence, as this has already been reporte...
T Stevanovic-Janezic, P A Cooper, Y T Ung
Analysis of the boron content of preservative treated oak and pitch pine heartwood before and after leaching
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3697
Studies to determine the effects, if any, of a variety of boron formulations on heartwood of English oak and American Pitch pine have been previously reported (King et al (1991)). Small wood blocks were treated, at 10°C or 45°C, with borax, polybor or Boracol 20 for periods of 1 month or 4 months then analysed or continuously leached with tap water for a period of 1 month. Reported results showe...
S McCutcheon, G M Smith, J W Palfreyman, B King
Preservation of basidiomycete hyphae in ancient waterlogged wood materials
1992 - IRG/WP 92-1536
Studies on waterlogged archaeological wood show that basidiomycete hyphae may persist as long as 800 years. In two pine wood samples with Phellinus pini heartrot, one from the foremast of the ship Vasa and the other from a bulwark constructed in the first part of the 12th century, numerous resin covered hyphae were observed. Hyphae with clamp connections that were associated with brown and white r...
T Nilsson, G F Daniel
Effects of boron formulation on specific timber types used in ships of historical importance
1991 - IRG/WP 3676
This paper reports results of preservative treatment and leaching experiments, using borax, polybor and boracol 20, on small wood blocks of English oak and American pitch pine heartwood. Earlier experiments on the performance of various biocides as possible additives to bilgewater to prevent fungal decay of shipping timbers had suggested that some formulations of boron might be associated with phy...
B King, G M Smith, J W Palfreyman, S McCutcheon
The effect of woody and non woody plants extractives on microbial resistance of non-durable species
2006 - IRG/WP 06-30392
The effect of Elm (Zelkova carpinifolia), Oak (Quercus castanifolia), Mulberry (Morus alba), Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) as woody plants, Rose (Rosa damascene) and Fumitory (Fumaria sp) as non woody plants extractives on durability of Beech (Fagus orientalis), Maple (Acer insgin), Alder (Alnus subcordata), and Lime (Tilia sp) were studied. First wood species having extractives were cut to small piece...
S M Kazemi, A Hosinzadeh, M B Rezaii
Influence of ring width and wood density on durability of oak heartwood
2008 - IRG/WP 08-10639
Oak (Quercus sp.) is considered as one of the most durable European wood species. The most important factor influencing oak durability was extractive content. In our work, we were interested in if oak-wood durability is affected by ring-width and related density. Therefore, oak heartwood specimens made of boards with different ring widths were exposed to five different fungal species Daedelea quer...
M Humar, P Oven, F Pohleven
The brown rot of oak wood submerged for 6 months in the Baltic sea
2010 - IRG/WP 10-10736
The natural wood submerged or partially immersed in sea water is commonly affected by certain microorganisms. The bacteria and marine borers that decay the wood totally submerged in sea water and above sea level other microorganisms as fungi, algae, insects may attacked wood. The sea water may affect and change the properties of wood. We have tried to determine the susceptibility to decay caused b...
A Fojutowski, A Kropacz, I Pomian
Micromorphological and chemical characteristics of waterlogged archaeological bamboos excavated from the Yellow Sea
2012 - IRG/WP 12-10785
Bamboos have widely used as documentation material in Far Eastern countries such China, Korea and Japan. In particular, bamboo slips as documentation material were extensively used even after the wide spread of paper in those countries. A large number of bamboo slips have been excavated from the shipwreck since 2009 in Korea. Understanding the cause of deterioration of ancient bamboos is crucial f...
Mi Young Cha, Yoon Soo Kim
A survey on Bio-Resistance of Oak and Elm in Caspian Sea Water
2012 - IRG/WP 12-20483
Logs of Oak (Quercus castanifolia) and Elm (Zelkova carpinifolia) have been cut to lumbers with dimensions of 300×100×30 mm. The oven dried samples have been impregnated with CCA (Chrome–Cupper-Arsenic). Treated and untreated (natural as a control) woods have been established for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months in Amirabad beach of Behshare under fishing environment. The observation results shows that i...
S M Kazemi
Quasi-in-situ durability tests on oak timber bridges
2013 - IRG/WP 13-20510
This study aims on developing a method for determination of wood durability on samples taken from real structures in service. Therefore quasi-in-situ durability tests have been conducted exemplarily on timber bridges made from English oak (Quercus robur L.). Drilling cores were found to be a feasible alternative to standard specimens for laboratory durability tests against pure cultures of Basidio...
C Brischke, C J Behnen, M-T Lenz, K Brandt, E Melcher
Potential for using boron for mitigation of Phytophthora ramorum in Douglas-fir logs
2014 - IRG/WP 14-30643
Phytophthora ramorum is a relatively newly described pathogen present in the forests of Northern California and southwest Oregon in the United States. This organism has an extremely wide host range, including a number of commercial important conifers, among them Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). The continuing expansion of the range of P. ramorum will result in an increasing quarantine area w...
J M Hulbert, J J Morrell E M Hansen
Introduction of the COST FP 1303 Cooperative Performance Test
2015 - IRG/WP 15-20567
COST Action FP 1303 “Performance of bio-based building materials” successfully started in October 2013 and an ambitious program was set up for the four year programme. COST Actions provide an excellent opportunity for collaborative research, e.g. in the frame of Round Robin tests. The idea of this respective test was to distribute a fairly simple test set up to as many places in Europe as poss...
M Humar, C Brischke, L Meyer, B Lesar, N Thaler, D Jones, S Bardage, C Belloncle, J Van den Bulcke, J M Abascal, G Alfredsen, D Baisch, B Brunnhuber, G Cofta, E Grodås, E Frühwald Hansson, M Irle, H Kallakas, J Kers, M Klamer, P Larsson Brelid, A B Maider, K C Mahnert, E Melcher, R Möller, M Noël, L Nunes, G A Ormondroyd, S Palanti, N Pfabigan, A Pilgård, A O Rapp, P Schumacher, E Suttie, T Teppand, M Touza, J Van Acker
Effect of a wood stabilizer on checking of red oak log sections
2015 - IRG/WP 15-30664
Abstract: Reduced check development and dimensional stability can be important attributes in wood products used for decorative applications. The potential for using a silane-based stabilizer product to reduce checking was assessed on red oak stem and log sections. Pressure treatment produced the largest uptakes, although the levels suggested that the solution had failed to completely penetrate th...
C S Love, J J Morrell
Effect of natural variability of European Oak wood on heat treatment process and potential implication on wood durability
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40693
Environmental pressures appeared in France and in most European countries during the last decade has led to the development of more environmentally acceptable preservation methods. In this context, wood heat treatment has been one of the most investigated alternative method during the last years. Treated at temperatures ranging between 180 and 220°C, wood components undergo more or less important...
J Hamada, A Pétrissans, F Mothe, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin
How intraspecific radial variability of the European Oak’s may influence mild pyrolysis process and durability of the material
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40725
Last decades wood is promoted as building material. Unprotected wood exposed to outdoor conditions undergoes a variety of degradation induced essentially by fungi attacks. Heat treatment of wood by mild pyrolysis (180°C T 240°C under inert atmosphere) is a preservation process with a weak environmental impact, and therefore, is viewed as an interesting alternative to the chemical impregnation me...
J Hamada, A Pétrissans, F Mothe, M Pétrissans, P Gérardin
Development of methodologies to evaluate tanning blocking coatings
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40760
In Europe an increased interest in using home-grown hardwoods as sustainable and renewable construction materials started a few years ago. Amongst these species oak and chestnut are two interesting candidates as their heartwood contain a significant amount of tannins which contribute to their natural durability. To avoid wood greying and dimensional variations, oak and chestnut must be protected b...
C Reynaud, L Podgorski
Comparative studies on the durability of English oak (Quercus robur L.) under in-service, field and laboratory conditions
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10881
The durability of many wood species varies due to differences in extractive content, anatomical features, growth conditions, and not at least in dependence of the respective exposure conditions either under test or in real life applications. And so does the durability of English oak (Quercus robur L.), which has recently been considered in the revised European standard EN 350 (2016) and is now cla...
C Brischke, L Meyer-Veltrup, A Soetbeer, M Höpken, E Melcher, J Trautner
The First Description of Soft-rot Cavity in Waterlogged Archaeological Woods by a Japanese Wood Anatomist Prof. F. Onaka in 1935
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10885
The term soft rot, which was caused by Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes, was first used by J G Savory in 1954. Soft rot decay can be characterized by cavities within secondary cell walls align along the cellulose microfibrils. Our recent literature search revealed, however, that Prof. F. Onaka in Kyoto University described the soft rot cavities in the waterlogged archaeological woods in detail from ...
Yoon Soo Kim, K Yamamoto
Genetic characterisation of the deathwatch beetle – Call for support
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10890
The deathwatch beetle (Xestobium rufovillosum) is one of the most important pests of historical wood constructions. Further analysis of the exact nature of the feeding habits regarding diet and wood characteristics might deliver answers for controlling this pest. Also there is little known about genetic variability and population structure within the species. For analysis of infested wood and also...
M Höpken, E Melcher, J Trautner
Oak maturation casks at the Rodenbach brewery, an industrial heritage of the Flemish Community requiring protective measures
2017 - IRG/WP 17-10898
Brewery Rodenbach has world-renowned cask halls with close to 300 oak casks, some of these big maturation casks are 150 years old and this is protected as part of the industrial heritage of the Flemish Community. Since some of these maturation casks or “foeders” were the last decades no longer fully in use some parameters of their physical condition might have increased incidence of fungal dec...
J Van Acker, I De Windt, R Ghequire
COST FP 1303 Cooperative Performance Test – Results after two years outdoor exposure
2017 - IRG/WP 17-20620
COST Action FP 1303 ‘Performance of Bio-Based Building Materials’ started in October 2013 and an ambitious program was set up for four years. Among this a collaborative field test was planned. The idea of the cooperative performance test was to distribute a fairly simple test set up to as many places in Europe as possible in order to collect performance data reflecting the full range of climat...
B Lesar, M Humar, C Brischke, L Meyer-Veltrup, D Jones, N Thaler, J M Abascal, G Alfredsen, B Brunnhuber, E Grodås, M Irle, J Kers, M Klamer, K-C Mahnert, E Melcher, S Palanti, M Noël, E Suttie, N Pfabigan, M Touza
Impact of sapwood portions on the durability of adjacent heartwood of Pinus sylvestris, Pseudotsuga menziesii and Quercus robur. Part 1: Laboratory studies
2018 - IRG/WP 18-10922
Sapwood is generally considered as non-durable and assigned to durability class DC 5 according to European standards independent from the wood species. It is commonly agreed that sapwood decays faster than adjacent heartwood, but it is controversially discussed whether sapwood serves as feeder material and thus accelerates onset and progress of decay in more durable heartwood or decays independent...
C Brischke, P Homann, A Gellerich
Enhancing service life performance of oak decking and cladding using organosilicon treatments
2018 - IRG/WP 18-40838
The Life+ project SILEX, in full “Improving sustainability of construction materials using innovative Silicon based treatment” started in April 2013 and was finalized mid 2017. The aim of this project was to demonstrate that a new class of compounds can be used for wood treatment for an extended service life combined with enhanced new testing methodology. Ultimately, it was the intention to de...
J Van Acker, J Van den Bulcke, J-P Lecomte
Mineralization of European oak with various ionic salt solutions to achieve an in situ precipitation of calcium oxalate
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40861
Thin specimens of European oak (Quercus spp.) with the dimensions of 4 × 20 × 50 mm3 were treated with various aqueous ionic salt solutions of calcium chloride, potassium oxalate and calcium acetate. Additionally, the oak was treated with combinations of calcium chloride and potassium oxalate, as well as calcium acetate and potassium oxalate with the aim to precipitate in situ the water insolubl...
T Franke, T S Volkmer