Your search resulted in 38 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Nano-Zycosil in MDF. Part I: Gas and Liquid Permeability
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40652
Effects were studied of zycosil nanoparticles, with size range from 20 to 80 nm, on liquid and gas permeability of medium density fiberboard. Nanozycosil was used at four consumption levels of 0, 50, 100, and 150 g/kg dry wood fibers. Density of all treatments was kept constant at 0.67 g/cm3. The obtained results indicated that the addition of zycosil to the mat resulted in a significant increase...
H Reza Taghiyari, A Karimi, P M D Tahir, O Schmidt, E Bari, P Nouri , A Jahangiri
Effect of silver nanoparticles on the rate of heat transfer to the core of the medium-density fiberboard mat
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40653
Effect of silver nanoparticles on the rate of heat transferred to the core section of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) mat was studied here. A 400 ppm aqueous nanosilver suspension was used at three consumption levels of 100, 150, and 200 mL/kg based on the weight of dry wood fibers; the results were then compared with the control MDF panels. The size range of silver nanoparticles was 30-80 nm. Res...
H Reza Taghiyari, O Schmidt, E Bari, P M Tahir, A Karimi, P Nouri, A Jahangiri
New Method for Pretreatment of Railroad Crossties
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40675
Creosote has been successfully utilized for nearly 150 years for the protection of railroad crossties (sleepers) in the USA and remains today as the most widely used wood preservative for this application. One of the few shortcomings of creosote as a preservative is its inability to penetrate many of the refractory hardwood species which make up the majority of crossties in the USA. Lack of full...
A S Ross, R W Clawson Jr
Buffered Amine Oxide Treatment Systems for Ammonical Copper Wood Preservatives
2014 - IRG/WP 14-40685
Wood is the most versatile, practical and sustainable building material in the world. In modern countries, wood is a well-managed renewable resource that has a small carbon footprint. Wood does suffer from a lack of durability against invasive organisms such as insects and fungi. Steel, aluminum and composites have emerged as viable alternative building materials. These sectors market the defi...
R W Clawson Jr
Interaction between Aspergillus niger fungus and other filamentous fungi on salt-agar medium and their growth on natural wood and wood treated with fungicide
2015 - IRG/WP 15-20569
Aspergillus niger (An) is very often used alone or in mixture with other filamentous fungi of the genus in testing biocides in disinfection procedures, safety, hygiene, medical fields as well as for testing resistance of wood and wood-based materials to moulds. Softwood species as well as hardwood are overgrown with An fungus very easily, causing drop of mainly the aesthetic value of wood product....
A Fojutowski, A Kropacz, A Koziróg
Buffered Amine Oxide Treatment Systems for Imparting Water Based Azoles/Insecticides in Douglas Fir and Eucalyptus
2015 - IRG/WP 15-40707
In today’s world, wood remains the most versatile, practical and sustainable building material. In contemporary countries, wood is a well-managed renewable resource that has a remarkably small carbon footprint compared to those of steel, aluminium, composites, and concrete. These alternative materials have continued to emerge as viable building materials given the durability issues of untreate...
R W Clawson Jr
Above-ground performance of a buffered amine oxide treatment system against Mastotermes darwiniensis
2016 - IRG/WP 16-10855
Above-ground H2 field tests against Mastotermes darwiniensis were conducted in far north Queensland to assess the efficacy of buffered amine oxide treatments in the softwoods Pinus sylvestris and P. radiata, and the hardwoods Eucalyptus regnans and E. diversicolor. Untreated hardwoods and slash pine bait wood (P. elliottii) were severely attacked or destroyed, while untreated P. sylvestris was mod...
L J Cookson, R W Clawson Jr
Effect of Nano-Silane on Permeability in MDF as a Result of Susceptibility to Moulds and Fungi
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40716
Effects were studied of vapor chamber on specific gas permeability of nanosilane-treated medium-density fiberboards (MDF). Size range of nanoparticles was 20 – 80 nm. Nano-silane (NS) was used at four consumption levels of 0, 50, 100, and 150 g/kg dry wood fibers. Density of all treatments was kept constant at 0.67 g/cm3. Specimens were kept for 18 weeks in vaporized chamber; their specific gas ...
H R Taghiyari, J Norton, A Moradiyan, M Sadegh Taher Tolou Del, H Siahposht, B Moradi-Malek, M Noferesti
A Treatability Study of Western Wood Species with Water Based Azoles and Insecticides Using Buffered Amine Oxides
2016 - IRG/WP 16-40766
The use of Western U.S. Wood Species remains small in today’s global wood product market when compared to the use of other commercially available softwoods. One reason that other fiber sources, those that may be less naturally durable or exhibit slightly inferior mechanical properties, are utilized is ease of treatment. In an attempt to ensure adequate penetration in commercially important an...
R W Clawson Jr, C N Cheeks, K A Cutler
Self-Extinguishment Phenomena of Mass Timber in Medium-Scale Compartment Fires
2018 - IRG/WP 18-30729
This paper presents a review of the fire safety risks that mass timber construction may introduce in buildings, with special consideration to medium- and high-rise buildings. These main risks are represented by an effect to the classical fire safety strategy for buildings: (1) Compartmentalisation, to ensure that the fire will not spread farther than the compartment of origin, (2) Preventing verti...
C Gorska, J P Hidalgo
Development of accelerated decay test for CLT using a fungus grown on agar medium
2019 - IRG/WP 19-20664
CLT is a large-scale wooden board which consists of several layers of sawn lumber stacked in altering directions. Therefore, a lot of large cross sections appear on all narrow faces of CLT. As water penetrates easily into timber from cross section, wooden material whose cross section is exposed to water in in a usage environment is susceptible to deterioration by organisms. Wood deterioration orga...
T Miyauchi, K Kambara, W Ohmura, T Mori, H Matsunaga, N Hattori
In Vitro Growth of the Basidiomycetes Physisporinus vitreus strains in various conditions in comparison with some white rot fungi
2022 - IRG/WP 22-10987
The paper has preliminary test results to select Pysisporinus vitreus fungal strains for further experiments in a large research project on copper tolerance of P. vitreus by chemotropic test, choice test, and agar plate toxicity tests and determination of the effect of various ions on oxalic acid secretion by these white rot fungi. In the project, it is also aimed to run fungal decay tests to dete...
E E Soytürk, S N Kartal
Effectivity of zinc borate in medium density fiberboard (MDF) for ground proximity testing
2024 - IRG/WP 24-20723
Medium-density fiberboard (MDF) is one of the most used and versatile wood composites. Most of its use has been focused on interior applications. Adhesives such as p-MDI (polymeric methyl diphenyl diisocyanate) provide MDF with a better performance against moisture, but resistance against decay is also required for outdoor use. A mix of wood fibers, p-MDI, and 0.75%-1.5% of ZB was made to produce ...
S M Vega Gutierrez, T Olivadoti