Your search resulted in 68 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
Extracellular mucilage (ECM) in wood decay basidiomycetes
2002 - IRG/WP 02-10439
The ability of wood decay basidiomycetes to produce extracellular mucilage (ECM) and its relationship with total biomass production is being investigated. Growth and ECM production by the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum (FPRL 108 N) and the white-rot fungus Coriolus versicolor (CTB 863 A) was assessed in liquid culture under different conditions and in the presence of the fungicide cyprocona...
D Vesentini, D J Dickinson, R J Murphy
Performance of Oriented Strandboard, Medium Density Fiberboard, Plywood, and Particleboard Treated with Tebuconazole in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
2005 - IRG/WP 05-30364
The performance of oriented strandboard (OSB), medium density fiberboard (MDF), particleboard and plywood treated with tebuconazole using supercritical carbon dioxide was investigated over a 48 month exposure under harsh above ground conditions in Hilo, Hawaii. Samples treated to low retentions (<0.20 kg/m3) tended to experience decay at rates that were only slightly lower than those found wit...
J J Morrell, M N Acda, A R Zahora
The effects of preservative treatment and exposure to wood degrading fungi on fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials used for structural wood reinforcement
2001 - IRG/WP 01-40204
Glass fiber reinforced phenolic (GFRP) composite materials are becoming increasingly accepted for use in the construction industry because they combine advantages of both wood and advanced polymeric materials. Addition of only 1-3% FRP in the tension zone, for example, can typically improve the strength of the hybrid system by 200%. As more applications are found for wood/FRP hybrids, (e.g. lamina...
C Tascioglu, B Goodell
Kiln drying of LSOP treated timber: rate of solvent evaporation, overpaintability and recovery of the solvent
1992 - IRG/WP 92-3711
The rate of solvent evaporation from LOSP treated timber dried in a kiln at 35°C has been investigated. Around 50% solvent removal has been found to be consistent with good overpaintability using a water based acrylic primer. It has been demonstrated that an activated carbon solvent recovery system is capable of removing all the solvent vapour from the outlet of a commercial joinery drying kiIn, ...
P Warburton, L B Sheard
An unusual soft-rot decay pattern caused by the Ascomycete Hypoxylon mediterraneum (de Not.) J Miller
1984 - IRG/WP 1222
A distinct pattern of soft-rot decay has been observed for the fungus Hypoxylan mediterraneum (de Not.) J. Miller. This fungus also produced decay patterns typical of brown and white rot decay. The production of characteristic cavities by Hypoxylan mediterraneum was prolific in the hardwoods Eucalyptus maculata and Eucalyptus regnans, but infrequent in the softwoods, Pinus elliottii and Pinus radi...
D M Francis, L E Leightley
The effect of oil-borne preservative treatments on the shear strength of FRP/wood composite adhesive bonds
2003 - IRG/WP 03-40265
Reinforcement of structural wood components with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) will enhance the beam’s strength, but actual data on long-term durability is sparse, not well documented or not readily accessible. In this study, bond properties of FRP-wood composite materials were investigated following treatment with creosote or copper naphthenate preservatives. The properties investigated inclu...
B Herzog, B Goodell, R Lopez-Anido
The role of oxalic acid in short fiber formation by the brown-rot fungus Postia placenta
1993 - IRG/WP 93-10028
The mechanism by which brown-rot fungi depolymerize wood and cellulose remains a perplexing problem. Current evidence favors oxidation by low-molecular weight, non-enzymatic fungal metabolites. During attack of cotton cellulose by Postia placenta MAD-698, the degree of polymerization (DP) decreases to limit of degree of polymerization (LODP) over a period of 5-6 weeks with relatively low weight lo...
F Green III, J M Hackney, C A Clausen, M J Larsen, T L Highley
Micromorphological Characteristics of Degradation in Bamboo Attacked by White Rot Fungus Lentinus edodes
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10575
In comparison with micromorphological works for wood decay, little known is about the decay pattern of bamboos by wood decay fungi. The present work was undertaken to understand the general degradation pattern of bamboo and the influence of polylaminate layers in bamboo fiber walls on the restriction of fungal decay. The weight loss of bamboo species Phyllostachys puberscens against the white rot ...
Chang Hyun Cho, Kwang Ho Lee, Yoon Soo Kim
Micromorphology of Bamboo Fibers Degraded by Brown-Rot Fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum
2006 - IRG/WP 06-10576
The decay pattern of bamboo by brown-rot fungus was examined. In addition, the influence of polylaminate structures in bamboo fibers on the restriction of fungal decay was also investigated. The weight loss of bamboo Phyllostachys puberscens by the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum after 16 week incubation was about 25%. Parenchyma cells were severely degraded. Microscopical studies showed tha...
Kwang Ho Lee, Chang Hyun Cho, Yoon Soo Kim
Development of preservative treatment method using sub and super critical carbon dioxide
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40385
Significant efforts have been devoted for developing biocide impregnation method into wood materials using supercritical fluid. Developing better understandings of fluid phase and its effect on treatment results would facilitate a more rational development of supercritical fluid (SCF) impregnation. In this project, the preservative treatabilities under super- and sub-critical fluid conditions we...
Myeung-Won Cho, Sung-Mo Kang, Gyu-Hyeok Kim
Effect of fiber type and content on the natural durability of wood flour/high density polyethylene composites against rainbow fungus (Coriolus versicolor)
2007 - IRG/WP 07-40387
In order to evaluate the effect of fiber type and content on the natural durability of wood flour/high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites against Coriolus versicolor, samples containing 25% and 50% by weight of various natural fibers and HDPE were selected. Natural fibers included in the study were wood flour, rice hulls, hemp fibers and newsprint. Samples containing 25% and 50% natural fiber ...
A Karimi, M Tajvidi, S Pourabbasi
Heat treatment, thermal treatment, thermal degradation of wood, carbon nanotubes and Damascus steel swords. What do they all have in common?
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40399
Thermal degradation of wood is a well known phenomenon. Yet heat-treatment of wood can also provide protection for wood against certain environmental hazards. This paper explores some of the aspects of thermal degradation of wood fiber at relatively low temperatures with a surprising result. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were produced when a specific heating regime was used to carbonize the wood fiber. ...
Xinfeng Xie, B Goodell, Yuhui Qian, G Daniel
Wood protection, a tool for climate change mitigation?
2008 - IRG/WP 08-50257
In the context of global warming and the search for possible strategies to mitigate climate change, forest and forest products have important advantages. Sustainable management makes forest a carbon sink, wood products have the potential to be a carbon sink as well, and their low carbon intensity is a potential for reducing CO2 emissions by substitution to competing materials. After describing the...
G Deroubaix
Building with termites: The challenge of biomimetic design for carbon neutral buildings.
2009 - IRG/WP 09-20405
The main aim of this paper is to present humanity and termites as design partners in the creation of a new dimension of ecosystem understanding. “Beyond biomimicry: What termites can tell us about realizing the living building”, Turner and Soar (2008) opens up a new era in how we think of human habitations, not only on earth, but maybe on other planets, and using the termite model as the corne...
J R J French, B M Ahmed (Shiday)
Interactions between wood and propiconazole in supercritical carbon dioxide
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40461
Understanding the movement and deposition of biocides in wood is a fundamental aspect of the supercritical wood impregnation process and a key issue in developing the process e.g. to handle wood of larger dimensions. Previous research on supercritical wood impregnation frequently reports of a biocide concentration gradient in impregnated samples i.e. a lower concentration of biocides in the core o...
A W Kjellow, O Henriksen
Termite Resistant Properties of Wood and Natural Fiber Plastic Composites - AWPA E1 Test Data
2009 - IRG/WP 09-40466
This paper deals with resistance properties of wood plastic composites against Formosan Subterranean Termites (FSTs) based on the AWPA E1 test standard. Sixteen laboratory WPC formulations, four WPC commercial materials, and southern pine (Pinus sp.) wood control were tested for termite mortality, sample weight loss, and sample damage rating. The results show that FSTs did attack WPC products in ...
Q Wu, T Shupe, J Curole, K Ragon, M Voitier, M Freeman, D Ring
Degradation of Carbon-Based Preservatives by Black-stain Fungi
2010 - IRG/WP 10-30533
Some black-stain fungi are known to exhibit resistance to carbon-based preservatives. However, the cause of this resistance is unclear. The fungi may have mechanisms to tolerate these chemicals, or they may be able to degrade and detoxify them. Fungi capable of degrading carbon-based preservatives are of interest for possible bioremediation of carbon-based preservative-treated wood at the end of i...
R Stirling, P I Morris
Repairing of wooden elements by beta-method using carbon, steel or beech rods
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40488
Presented paper is focused on repairing of wooden elements by Beta joints reinforced with carbon, steel or beech rods, and on comparing the efficiency of these joints with traditional carpentry joints. In model laboratory experiments have been determined the bending strength (fm) and the modulus of elasticity (E) of control or original elements (fm-Control; Eo) from Norway spruce (Picea abies Kars...
L Reinprecht
Riverbed Construction Technology using Thinned Timbers for Carbon Dioxide Sink in Korea
2010 - IRG/WP 10-50271
The Climatic Change Convention is a big burden in limiting the energy usage like the blood of economy. The certification standard about the carbon storage of timbers after harvesting them is expected to be an important role in setting the goal for future reduction of the green house gas(CO2). The extension of a timber's life span through its preservation is one of technologies for carbon sink...
Dong-heub Lee, Won-Joung Hwang
The decontamination of a historical xylotheque with liquid carbon dioxide
2011 - IRG/WP 11-10757
The pharmacist Johann Heinrich Linck senior (1674-1734) created the xylotheque (collection of wood species) in Leipzig, Saxony (Germany). His son, Johann Heinrich Linck junior (1734-1807), continued the valuable and unique collection, which now belongs to the Museum Waldenburg near Dresden, Germany. In the past the cupboard, including the wood specimens, was impregnated with a wood preservative co...
S Zoppke, A Unger, J Mankiewicz, M Eisbein
Supercritical impregnation of wood with siloxane
2012 - IRG/WP 12-30595
This paper describes the effect of supercritical impregnation with siloxane on the water repellency of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood samples. Samples were impregnated with a low amount of siloxane dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide using isopropanol as a co-solvent. Siloxane retention (i.e. weight percent gain (WPG)) of the treated samples was 1.3 % (w/w) as found by mass balance. T...
A Kjellow, F Imsgard, J Fernandes, O Henriksen, E Klaassen, R Wagner, J Delis
Effects of Nano-Wollastonite on Ignition Time Reduction in MDF
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40576
Effects of wollastonite nano-fibers on ignition time reduction in medium density fiberboard were studied. Nanowollastonite was applied at 5, 10, 15, and 20 g/kg dry weight basis of wood fibers and compared with control specimens. Two application methods of nanowollastonite were used: surface application, and internal application. Specimens of 150×130×9 mm were prepared and the ignition times wer...
H Reza Taghiyari, H Rangavar, P Noori, A Karimi
Correlation of %Acetyl and Fiber Saturation in Acetylated Southern Pine Boards
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40598
Wood acetylation represents a chemical modification that increases the hydrophobicity of wood. The level of acetylation in the wood structure determines the extent of hydrophocity with higher levels providing reduced moisture affinity. Due to the reduced hygroscopic nature of acetylated wood, performance features such as dimensional stability, resistance to termites, and resistance to rot and de...
J Dickerson, E Cwirko, J Allen
Field performance of wood impregnated with siloxanes using supercritical carbon dioxide
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40632
This paper presents preliminary results from a 13-month field test containing pine sapwood samples (Pinus sylvestris) impregnated with a mixture of siloxane and organic biocides using supercritical carbon dioxide as carrier. Samples were exposed above ground at a Danish field test site using matched non-treated sapwood controls for every treated sample. All samples were painted before exposure. Pi...
A Kjellow, F Imsgard, J Fernandes, R Wagner, J Delis
Performance of Coatings on Wood Treated with Carbon-Based Preservatives
2013 - IRG/WP 13-40638
Wood treated with carbon-based preservatives is often used in applications where coatings are required, yet few studies have examined the effect of such treatment on coating performance. Users need to be confident that coatings on carbon-based preservative-treated wood will perform as well as or better than those on untreated wood. The present study examines the performance of three coatings on un...
R Stirling, P I Morris