Your search resulted in 39 documents. Displaying 25 entries per page.
The future for chromium in wood preservation
1985 - IRG/WP 3332
Most water-borne preservatives contain CrVI compounds, originally to reduce corrosion although now also to improve toxicant fixation. Chromium contributes to preservation and this is recognised in, for example, New Zealand and USA where chromium contents are included in calculations of overall preservative activity of CCA formulations, but chromium may also have anti-stain and joinery (millwork) p...
B A Richardson, T R G Cox
Effect of humidity and temperature on fastener withdrawal resistance from CCA and ACZA treated Douglas-fir
2000 - IRG/WP 00-20209
The effects of preservative treatment on fastener withdrawal was investigated in Douglas-fir lumber conditioned to two moisture regimes. In general, conditioning samples to 19% moisture content produced more substantial changes in withdrawal resistance of galvanized fasteners than did conditioning to 12%. Treatment had little or no effect on withdrawal resistance of stainless steel fasteners. With...
Sung-Mo Kang, J J Morrell
Effects of the sulfuric acid modification of CCA treating solution
1987 - IRG/WP 3415
Sulfuric acid modification of CCA treating solution is often used to control the formation of sludges and undesirable deposits on the surface of treated wood. The consequences of sulfuric acid addition are examined in this work and negative effects are shown to far outweigh any benefits. Major risks include the loss of copper due to leaching from treated wood and the accelerated corrosion of treat...
R F Fox, H J Fry, E A Pasek, A S Ross
Laboratory evaluation comparing three commercial termite baits based on chitin synthesis inhibitor (CSIs) against the subterranean termites Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt
2007 - IRG/WP 07-10625
This laboratory bioassay report describes laboratory evaluation undertaken to compare the efficacy, and palatability of Requiem®, Nemesis® and Sentricon® AG as candidate bait toxicants against the subterranean termites Coptotermes acinaciformis (Froggatt) and Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt. The laboratory bioassay results confirmed palatability and efficacy differences between the three comm...
B Ahmed
Corrosion of metal fasteners in contact with copper preservative treated wood
2007 - IRG/WP 07-20370
The corrosion rates of metal fasteners in contact with alkaline copper quat (ACQ) treated wood with or without commercially available water repellent was compared to that of cedar. In this experiment, fasteners were sandwiched between two pieces of treated wood and exposed to a humid environment at a slightly elevated temperature. The use of a “sandwich” design allowed periodic examination of ...
BaekYong Choi, J N R Ruddick
Corrosion of fastener and connector in contact with alkaline copper treated wood – it is a problem
2008 - IRG/WP 08-40437
For many decades, chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was the most common wood preservative used in North America for residential and industrial applications. Since December 31, 2003, the use of CCA for residential application was voluntarily terminated. One of the most widely accepted alternative wood preservatives in Western Canada is Alkaline Copper Quaternary Compound (ACQ). This paper will compar...
J N R Ruddick
A comparison of the corrosion of alkaline copper and micronized copper treated wood
2010 - IRG/WP 10-40515
With the replacement of chromate copper arsenate (CCA) by alkaline copper wood preservatives, there have been reports of increasing corrosion of metal fasteners and connectors in contact with treated wood. This may be explained by the presence of more mobile copper in the treated wood. One novel industrial response has been to develop a wood preservative based on an aqueous solution containing sus...
M Kofoed, J N R Ruddick
Corrosion of fasteners in heat-treated wood – progress report after nine years’ exposure outdoors
2012 - IRG/WP 12-40601
The corrosion of common fastener materials now in use - mild steel, zinc-coated steel, aluminium and Sanbond Z-coated steel – has been evaluated after nine years’ exposure outdoors in untreated and heat-treated (thermally modified) spruce (Picea abies). Spruce from south-western Sweden was used. The heat-treatment was carried out in Finland by Stora-Enso Oy according to the ThermoWood process ...
J Jermer, B-L Andersson
Screening of fastener resistance in contact with untreated wood using different test designs
2016 - IRG/WP 16-30686
The performance of fasteners in wooden constructions is an important aspect especially regarding corrosion resistance. In an early stage corrosion of fasteners in untreated timber becomes often visible as a discoloration on the surface of the timber resulting in bad appearance of the product followed by complaints. In order to develop an accelerated test for the assessment of fastener performance ...
E Melcher, S Wolf, U Cera
Corrosion of fasteners in furfurylated wood – final report after 9 years exposure outdoors
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40810
The corrosion of some common fastener materials – mild steel, stainless steel, zinc-coated steel, brass and Sanbond Z (nickel, zinc and chromate) coated steel – has been evaluated after nine years exposure outdoors in untreated Scots pine and furfurylated beech and southern yellow pine (SYP).
The furfurylation was carried out according to a process that resulted in approximately 40 % WPG (We...
J Jermer, B-L Andersson, J Schalnat
Corrosion verification experiment of the screw driven into CLT
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40816
Japan has abundant forest resources, but we depend on import for 70 percent of the consumed timber. Japan has the vision which promotes the timber self-sufficiency rate 30% to 50% by 2020. Therefore CLT attracts attention as a new timber material. Japan has a climate with high temperature and humidity, and wooden buildings are often treated with chemicals as a measure against biological deteriorat...
N Wada, H Ishiyama, S Yamamoto
Influence of sea water on timber and metal joints
2017 - IRG/WP 17-40818
In the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in March 2011, many buildings suffered from seawater immersion caused by the tsunami. Saito's study revealed that corrosion progresses on metal plate that experienced seawater immersion 1). However, the detailed mechanism of corrosion progresses has not yet been clarified. Therefore, in this study, salinity which is one of causes of corrosion w...
T Nishimura, H Ishiyama, F Hirose, N Wada
The Influence of Wood Included Salinity on Nail
2019 - IRG/WP 19-40863
In the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011, many buildings suffered from natural seawater dipping due to the tsunami. It has become clear that corrosion progresses in nail that had submerged in natural seawater compared to nail that had not submerged in natural seawater. However, processing for this has not been developed. Therefore, in this research, we experimentally expl...
R Nakano, H Ishiyama, K Sakano
Effect of enzymatic inhibitors on the population of Reticulitermes grassei and their associated microbiota
2023 - IRG/WP 23-11008
Termites are pests that invade urban, agricultural and forest environments worldwide. They are economically important owing to the damage they cause to wood, wood products, building materials, agricultural products and forests. There are many methods for its control, but many of them cause negative environmental effects due to their toxicity. In termites, dietary change or antibiotic treatment may...
S M Santos, M T Troya, F Llinares, P Colina, E García, M Álvarez, L Robertson