Performance of acetylated wood in aquatic applications
IRG/WP 18-40822
F Bongers, S Palanti, A Gellerich, J J Morrell, J Creemers, J Hague
Acetylation of wood to enhance its resistance against wood decaying fungi and insects has been studied extensively under both laboratory and terrestrial field trials. Also several studies are investigating the performance of acetylated wood in marine and fresh water exposures. This paper updates nine year marine tests with acetylated radiata pine in Hejlsminde (Denmark) and presents data on 3 year field tests at 3 marine locations in Italy (Follonica, Genova, Venice) and one in Oregon (USA) as well as an oyster bed test at 2 locations in Australia. Data are also presented on the performance of acetylated Scots pine, radiata pine, and poplar as sheet piling installed in fresh water in 1995 or 2000 in the Netherlands.
Keywords: acetylated wood, field tests, fresh water, marine borers
Conference: 18-04-29/05-03 Johannesburg, South Africa