Effect of incised pattern on flexural strength of CLT

IRG/WP 23-40993

T Mori, R Takanashi, T Miyauchi, Y Ohashi, S Isaji

As a study aimed at developing preservation methods suitable for CLT, investigations have been carried out using “deep penetration treatment”. This treatment method was originally developed as a treatment method for sawn lumber and glulam used as sill members. In the treatment, materials are incised using specially designed blades and immediately sprayed with an oil-based wood preservative. The impact of incising on the strength performance and the preservative penetration has been sufficiently studied for sawn lumber and glulam. In the previous investigation, one wide face of the laminas, which were layup on the outermost layers of CLT, were incised before fabrication. Then, the CLT was treated by surface treatment with an oil-based wood preservative. However, its impact on strength of CLT has not been adequately investigated. Therefore, in this study, we performed incising treatment on several incision patterns and evaluated their effects on strength performance. As a result, we decided to use the one with the fewest number of incisions in the width direction and widely space between width direction because there was not much difference strength between the insizing patterns.

Keywords: CLT, insizing, flexural strength

Conference: 23-05-28/06-01 Cairns, Australia

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