Sap displacement treatment of utility poles in Papua New Guinea
IRG/WP 3102
C R Levy
Rapid growth of rural electrification in P.N.G. has created a considerable demand for treated poles. In the past power lines have been run on steel poles but the Government of P.N.G. is now seeking to make maximum use of the country's own resources rather than continue to rely upon imported materials such as steel poles. To some extent, this demand is being met by expansion of existing vacuum pressure treatment plants and there are plans to install plants in new locations. However, current demands cannot be met by facilities planned for the future and use had to be made of alternative systems of treatment available for immediate application. The most pressing requirement was for some three hundred transmission poles to run (some 35 kilometres) between Keravat and Rabaul in the East New Britain Province. Poles, harvested from a plantation of Eucalyptus deglupta about 20 years old were to be of the following demensions: Length: 16 to 23 m; Girth at Ground Line: 1360 to 1650 mm;Girth at Top: 900 to 1120 mm; Butt to Ground Line: 2300 to 3200 mm.