Incursion of Hylotrupes bajulus Linnaeus (European House Borer) into Western Australia
IRG/WP 05-10558
M Grimm
In January 2004, an adult Hylotrupes bajulus Linnaeus was detected emerging from a beam of Pinus pinaster in a house in Perth, Western Australia. The timber had been locally grown and milled. Surveys to define the extent of the infestation show it is restricted to dead pine trees in 28 sites around Perth. The biological and economic feasibility of eradication is being assessed. Since about 2001, kiln dried plantation gown Pinus radiata and Pinus pinaster timbers have largely replaced Australian native hardwoods in building construction in Western Australia. More than 80% of this structural pine is not treated with preservatives, and is at risk from attack by H.bajulus. The replacement cost of untreated pine in house construction in Western Australia is estimated to be about $Aus3 billion.
Keywords: Hylotrupes bajulus in Australia, exotic timber pest incursion, unpreserved kiln-dried pine