Ensure Durable Wood-Frame Construction under the Climate and Biological Hazards in Shanghai

IRG/WP 09-20413

Jieying Wang, Chun Ni, Jiahua Zhang

This paper provides technical background for developing durability-related provisions for the Shanghai wood-frame construction code. It summarizes the related climate, decay and termite hazards in this area as well as traditional durability solutions used for wood and wood hybrid constructions in China. The overall durability principles or philosophy used throughout this durability chapter are to improve and ensure building durability using integrated protection methods by appropriate design and construction and by using preservative-treated or naturally durable wood where necessary. Of these principles, durability by design is taken as the most fundamental approach for achieving good long-term performance of a building as a whole, and using durable wood where necessary to ensure the durability of individual components. This chapter covers moisture and termite management, and whenever possible multiple lines of defence are provided. Meanwhile, the practical side is also taken into consideration in order to make sure that all measures are buildable on construction sites with a reasonable cost.

Keywords: durability, wood-frame construction, Shanghai, climate, decay hazard, termite hazard, code

Conference: 09-05-24/28 Beijing, China

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