Preservative treatement of muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) by pressure process
IRG/WP 01-40194
K Akhter, M Younusuzzaman, M H Chowdhury
This study was carried out in order to investigate the possibility of preservative treatment of split bamboo by pressure process. Whole bamboo is very difficult to treat by pressure process, which is the best and most dependable of all treating processes. Because it surface has a coat of impervious cutiular which make it very resistance to the penetration of liquid. Beside this it is prone to develop cracks under high pressure reducing strength to a greater extent. Split bamboo is used for different purposes. Generally muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) is used in splitting condition due to its strength and thickness. To find out the optimum schedule for the treatment of split bamboo, a number of schedule were carried out varying pressure and period. It was found that there was no significant variation with increasing pressure and period. It was observed that split bamboo can be satisfactorily treated by pressure process following a moderate treatment schedule with conventional water-borne preservatives.