The effect of acetylation on physical properties of beech (Fagus orientalis) and Alder (Alnus subcordata) wood
IRG/WP 16-40759
M Akhtari, M Arefkhani
In this study the effect of acetylation on physical properties such as water absorption, volumetric swelling and anti-shrink efficiency (ASE) of beech and alder were investigated. After 24 hours soaking in acetic anhydride, in order to achieving two surface of weight gains, acetylated samples were heated in oven at 120 0C for 90 and 360 minutes. Then water absorption and dimensional stability in terms of volumetric swelling percent and anti-shrinkage efficiency was determined. Physical properties of samples improved by increasing degree of acetylation with considerable decreasing in Water absorption during 24 h soaking in water, that for beech and alder were about 39.2% and 36.6% less than control at highest modification level, respectively. Volumetric swelling of beech and alder treated specimens at 90 and 360 minutes modification was about 55.8, 62.5, 64.2 and 72% less than control, respectively of time. ASE of samples treated in 360 minute has greatly increased.
Keywords: acetylation, physical properties, water absorption, dimensional stability, ASE