Using X-ray micro-CT to evaluate density loss in anobiid infested wood
IRG/WP 19-10956
J L Parracha, M F Pereira, A Maurício, P Faria, L Nunes
Considering the relevance of wood borers in construction, the present study had as main objective the evaluation of the impact of anobiid damage on timber elements by establishing an empirical correlation between lost material percentage (LM%, consumed by beetles) and apparent density (original – OTD and residual – RTD). Since the beetles’ attack produces a diffuse damage with a set of tunnels in random directions and sizes, this makes quantification more difficult. In this context, micro-computed tomography (µ-XCT) is essential to enable better assessment of material degradation state as a function of lost material percentage/loss of density. The results showed a high correlation (r2 = 0.85) between RTD and LM% and a medium correlation (r2 = 0.60) between OTD and LM%. The various steps required during the µ-XCT study from the scanning procedure to the final quantitative results are also presented in this study enabling its use as guidelines for future studies.
Keywords: anobiid infestation, three-dimensional reconstruction, loss of density, damage assessment