Efficacy of deltamethrin associated with TCMTB and MBT for the temporary protection of timbers immediately following their sawing, in tropical countries
IRG/WP 1321
J S Duguet, V Dartigues
K-Othrine bois 2.5 "sciage"Ò containing 2.5 g/l of deltamethrin, 50 g/l of TCMTB and 50 g/l of MBT used at a 6% dilution controls effectively during the drying process of the freshly sawn wood, the insects attacking wet wood, the staining fungi and the rots. The protection lasts 4 months. The efficacy trials carried in 1985 and 1986 in the CTFT ("Centre Technique Forestier Tropical") of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, confirms the dilution rate of 6%. The fungicidal efficacy can be strengthened when necessary and according to climatic or storage conditions by adding to K-Othrine bois 2.5 "sciage"Ò the adequate quantity of a ready mixed formulation of TCMTB and MBT.