Transfer of research results on the performance of wood and wood-based composites in outdoor applications into praxis

IRG/WP 18-20634

B Lesar, J Gričar, D Kržišnik, M Humar

Forest-based industries have the potential to become an engine for a sustainable and competitive bioeconomy in Danube region. To reach this goal FORESDA projects was proposed. Main aim of respective project is transforming the traditional forest-based areas into innovative, modern and sustainable manufacturing areas; develop innovation-friendly ecosystems aiming to significantly improving and reconfiguring existing value chains; strengthen collaboration in the quadruple helix and implement new ways of collaboration in the Danube area. Within the project different Pilot Innovation Environments was developed. Main idea of the Slovenian Pilot Design entitled ‘Transfer of research results on the performance of wood and wood-based composites in outdoor applications into praxis’ is to design and test innovative bio-based products and materials for outdoor use. First results of pilot are presented in this paper.

Keywords: forest-based sector, wood, performance, service life, urban equipment

Conference: 18-04-29/05-03 Johannesburg, South Africa

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