Service life prediction of wooden components - Part 3: Approaching a comprehensive test methodology
IRG/WP 11-20464
C Brischke, C R Welzbacher, L Meyer, T Bornemann, P Larsson Brelid, A Pilgård, E Frühwald-Hansson, M Westin, A O Rapp, S Thelandersson, J Jermer
This paper is the third in a series on 'service life prediction' of wooden components and should be considered as a discussion paper. The authors tried to analyze the topic with a look from a distance and comment sometimes with a smile on the current controversial discussion about SLP issues. Nevertheless, the viewpoints of different groups, such as natural scientists, engineers, approval board members, consumers, and finally wood product manufacturers, have been described and resulting conflict points have been pointed out. Conceptual differences in modelling the performance of wooden components have been studied and related problems have been highlighted exemplarily on the base of 'hard' field test data. Problems related to the classification of wood durability are addressed as well as test methodological aspects. Finally a series of promising test methods and assessment procedures is presented. Moisture recordings in combination with subsequent dose assessments, comparative analyses of lab and field trials, and further new field test methods proved to have the potential to contribute to a comprehensive test methodology for wood based products. This is demonstrated based on preliminary results and summarized in a proposal for future test design requirements.
Keywords: case study, dose-response functions, laboratory test, field test, in-service performance, modelling, natural durability, survey