CT scanning of decay in creosoted poles for overhead lines

IRG/WP 13-30634

C-J Johansson, A Clang, I Johansson, G Berggren

Creosote-treated poles have been examined by means of CT scanning in order to investigate the nature of soft spots that have been found more frequently during the last five years in Sweden. CT scanning provides a very good picture of the interior of the poles and decay can easily be detected. It was concluded that the soft spots in most cases were caused by decay which in turn had to do with extremely poor treatment of the poles. Both high temperature kiln dried and open air dried poles were studied, but the drying method had no significance. Based on the findings a new procedure for inspection of poles is suggested.

Keywords: poles, wood, creosote, CT scanning, penetration, inspection procedure

Conference: 13-06-16/20 Stockholm, Sweden

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