Biological resistance of acetylated particleboards exposed to white (Trametes versicolor (and brown (Coniophora puteana) rot fungi

IRG/WP 10-40534

M Ghorbani kokandeh, K Doosthoseini, A N Karimi, B Mohebby, H Asghari

This research was conducted to investigate the effect of acetylation on bioresistance of particleboard produced from acetylated wood chips of Fagus orientalis exposed to white (Trametes versicolor (and brown (Coniophora puteana) rot fungi. After 12 hours soaking in acetic anhydride, in order to achieve three level of weight gains, 5, 9 and 16%, acetylated particles were heated in an oven at 120 c˚ for 30, 90 and 240 minutes, respectively. Acetylated and nonacetylated (control) boards were produced with 10% melamine urea formaldehyde (based on the oven-dry weight of particles) and pressed. These boards were tested for decay according to EN113 standard method. Results showed that by increasing level of acetylation, bioresistance of boards increases for both white and brown rot. But, this effect is more obvious for white rot. In fact, by increasing the level of acetylation from zero to 16%, the weight loss of white rotted samples was altered from 21.8% to 0.97% and from 36.3% to 1.78% and for brown rotted samples was altered from 32.6% to 11.3% and from 42.9% to 12.8% after 12 and 16 weeks, respectively.

Keywords: acetylation, particleboard, bioresistance, white rot, brown rot

Conference: 10-05-09/13 Biarritz, France

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