In this study a total number of 18 utility poles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) impregnated with a copper-chromium containing preservative were investigated. They were part of different lower voltage transmission lines in the western part of Germany and failed before predicted minimum service life. All poles in this study were less than 15 years in use. The type of decay and fungi were evaluated. Furthermore the copper content of undecayed areas of the same poles was analysed.
The poles were strongly decayed in the sapwood area as well as in sap- and heartwood areas. The major part of the pole sections were infested by brown rot particularly by the copper tolerant fungi Antrodia spp.. The species of fungi were determined by molecular diagnostics. The analyses of Cu content of undecayed areas of poles after utilization showed a wide range (0.7- 4.7 kg/m³). The Cu content before utilization was not known.