Improvement of analytical methods of wood preservatives and its validation with collaborative testing
IRG/WP 19-20655
T Miyauchi, K Yamamoto, N Shota, Y Akabori, M Ikeda, J Eisawa, K Kambara, T Osawa, C Igarashi, Y Baba, W Ohmura, M Shimizu, M Samejima
This discussion paper presents on-going collaborative test of analytical methods of wood preservatives according to the standardization process of Japan Agricultural Standard (JAS) by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center (FAMIC) in close cooperated organization with the MAFF, has wide range of tasks about inspections and analyses of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products. FAMIC responsible for processes of the revision and enactment of JAS. The process basically follows the AOAC (Association of Official Agricultural Chemists), namely “Official methods of analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL”. Developed analytical procedures for cyproconazole by the research group in Japan Wood Protection Association (JWPA) has been validated from the viewpoint of both repeatability and reproducibility in the process of pre-test before the collaborative test will start. Pre-test includes confirmation of uniformity of wood flour samples obtained from commercially impregnated timber with CUAZ or AZN, and small scale pre-collaborative test by 5 or 6 testing organizations. After the evaluation of pre-collaborative test, our group commences the collaborative test required by JAS.