Bait box technique for remedial subterranean termite contro
IRG/WP 95-10115
J R J French, B M Ahmed, D M Ewart
The bait box technique, as described in this paper, was first used as a method to apply the dust toxicant, arsenic trioxide, to large numbers of aggregated subterranean termites. Over the last twelve years or so the technique has been refined, and in recent years, gained acceptance as an alternative subterranean termite control measure by members of the Australian pest control industry. This baiting technique is particularly timely in Australia, given that the organochlorine insecticides are to be banned in termite control strategies in all states as from June 1995, except for a period of extension in the Northern Territory. Details of box construction, placement, and application of the dust toxicant are outlined. Suggestions are offered in the use of this technique with other dust toxicants, such as inclusion compounds and microbial spores pathogenic to termites, and bait toxicants.