Preservative treatment and field test monitoring of spruce pole stock: Pressure and diffusible chemical treatments
IRG/WP 3605
B Goodell, A J Pendlebury
One hundred and forty four spruce (test species) and southern yellow pine (reference species) poles were variously treated by center boring, incising, or kerfing, followed by pressure treatment with CCA and/or diffusible preservatives. The diffusible preservatives included NaF/creosote, borax and ammonium bifluoride. The poles were set at a test site and evaluated for preservative distribution and fungal invasion after one year of exposure. A narrow incising pattern was needed to obtain adequate CCA penetration even when a 'pulsation' pressure treatment schedule was used. Of the internally applied diffusible preservatives, both borax and ammonium bifluoride were found to diffuse successfully throughout the groundline region of the spruce pole stock. This treatment prevented invasion of decay fungi into the poles. A low incidence of fungal attack was observed in the CCA treated spruce that had been kerfed but not additionally treated with diffusible preservatives. Although additional years data are needed to make definitive recommendations, protection of spruce poles appears to be achievable through the use of either kerfing, or diffusible chemical treatment, in incised/CCA pressure treated stock.