Brief introduction of a research project on the wood materials from an ancient Byzantine port unearthed during drilling for underground rail tunnel in Istanbul
IRG/WP 08-10641
A D Dogu, C Köse, S N Kartal, N Erdin
A research project has been recently started to evaluate some properties of wooden materials from the biggest port of ancient times called Port of Theodosius I in Istanbul, Turkey. The ruins of the ancient Byzantine port during the excavations were recently uncovered in the Yenikapi site where an underground rail tunnel construction has been in progress in Istanbul. The wooden objects unearthed from the port are being subjected to anatomical examinations under light and photomicroscopes, chemical properties of the objects will be determined in comparison with recent wood samples, physical and mechanical tests will be performed and finally microbial properties will be investigated to show any possible decay zones in the samples. Preliminary investigations revealed that Quercus spp. and Cupressus spp. samples excavated at the site showed no distinctive decay zones; however, some soft zones were clear in the sapwood portions of the samples. Detailed examinations are in progress to evaluate microbial and anatomical properties of the samples in comparison with recent wood samples.
Keywords: Marmaray, Yenikapi, Port of Theodosius, ancient wood, archeological wood