On the changes of natural durability of wood sterilised by gamma radiation
IRG/WP 06-10571
R Despot, M Hasan, M Glavaš, G Rep
The preliminary study data of natural durability of wood in lab conditions against rot fungi dependency on different sterilisation method have been presented. In the research, white rot fungus Schizophyllum commune Fr.: Fr. and brown rot fungus Poria placenta (Fries) Coke sensu J. Erikson. on the Scots pine were tested. Cobalt 60Co was used as a gamma radiation source at the dosage of 30 kGy. Control non-irradiated samples were sterilised by autoclaving (123 °C, 1,8 bar for 30 min). After 4 weeks of exposure to fungus S. commune statistically significant difference in mass loss between gamma irradiated and autoclaved samples have been established. Irradiated samples had greater mass loss. During exposure, the difference decreased and became less significant. At the end of exposure, after 16 weeks, no significant difference was determined. On the other hand, after 4 weeks of exposure to fungus P. placenta there was no significant difference in mass loss between irradiated and autoclaved samples. During exposure difference in mass loss between autoclaved and irradiated wood became more and more significant.