An evaluation of the efficacy of a chlorothalonil formulation and a chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos formulation in the field

IRG/WP 93-30005

J W Creffield, N Chew

Details on the treatment of Pinus radiata D. Don and Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. sapwood specimens to three retentions of each of two preservative formulations (chlorothalonil in oil; chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos in oil) and their installation below ground at three field test sites in Australia are given. Specimens were treated with each formulation to achieve 3.2, 6.4 and 12.8 kg/m³ of chlorothalonil a.i. and 3.2+0.2, 6.4+0.4 and 12.8+0.8 kg/m³ of chlorothalonil plus chlorpyrifos a.i. For comparison, specimens of each timber species, treated to a commercial in-ground retention of a copper-chromium-arsenic (CCA) formulation, were also installed. Treated specimens (including controls) have been scored for their condition annually for attack by subterranean termites and fungal decay using a scale ranging from 4 (sound) down to 0 (failed). After two years of exposure, mean termite and decay scores for replicate specimens at each site indicate that all three retentions of each formulation compare favourably with CCA.


Conference: 93-05-16/21 Orlando, Florida, USA

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