Settlement of fouling organisms on CCA-treated Scots pine in the marine environment
IRG/WP 97-50094
C J Brown, R A Eaton
As part of an EU project to investigate the effects of CCA loading on non-target marine fouling animals, exposure panels of Scots pine treated to 12, 24 and 48 kgm-3 CCA and untreated controls were submerged at seven coastal sites (Portsmouth, UK: Kristineberg, Sweden: La Tremblade (2 sites), France: Ria Formosa, Portugal: Sagres, Portugal: Athens, Greece). Inspections were made at 6 and 12 months and the fouling community on treated and untreated panels was assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Over the course of the field trial patterns of fouling that were common at several of the sites were recorded. It was found that with increasing CCA loading there was a significant increase in the abundance of several species of calcareous organism. This effect was less pronounced or was absent with non-calcareous animals. There were no noticeable differences in fouling patterns between two formulations of CCA. SEM studies of the surface of CCA treated timber after 7 days submergence showed a higher biofilm accumulation than on untreated timber. The significance of these early stages of biofilm build-up will be discussed in relation to later biota settlement.
Conference: 97-05-25/30 Whistler, British Columbia, Canada