Evaluation of copperised Cashew nut shell liquid and Neem oil as wood preservatives

IRG/WP 05-30368

D Venmalar, H C Nagaveni

An effort has been made to develop eco-friendly wood preservatives using naturally available plant by-products with less toxicity. Copper was incorporated into Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) and Neem seed oil. Rubber wood samples were treated with these solutions employing dipping and pressure techniques in 3 different levels. These samples have been evaluated to find out the effectiveness as wood preservatives against decay fungi and termites. The combinations of copper & CNSL and copper & Neem in pressure treatment have resulted in discernibly high protection against wood rotters and termites.

Keywords: Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), Neem seed oil, wood preservatives, rubber wood

Conference: 05-04-24/28 Bangalore, India

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