Cyclic delamination analysis of preservative-treated wood/FRP interfaces
IRG/WP 02-40244
C Tascioglu, B Goodell, R Lopez-Anido
Wood preservative chemicals can interfere with adhesive properties when bonding wood laminates or wood/FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) laminate composites. In this work we studied the effects of various wood preservative treatments, and pre- and post-treatment on wood/wood and wood/FRP bond durability using a severe cyclic delamination test (ASTM D-2559). Pre-treatment of individual laminates with oil-borne (copper naphthenate, creosote and pentachlorophenol) and water borne (CCA and CDDA) preservatives increased the delamination between the wood and FRP, although wood/wood bonds were generally acceptable. Post-treatments had limited effect on wood/wood delamination. The use of post-treatments on wood/FRP bonded samples, although less significant than with pre-treatments, also increased delamination of wood/FRP glue lines.