Electricity pole treatments - Wedding Bells State Forest. Inspection September 1983
IRG/WP 3334
R S Johnstone, R H Eldridge
A survey to study the extent of soft rot in hardwood poles in N.S.W. was commenced in 1975. The results of the survey, published in 1982, indicated that a number of factors contributed towards soft rot attack on poles in service. A detailed rest on pole treatments and maintenance procedures was established in 1976, at a site in Wedding Bells State Forest near Coffs Harbour. The site selected was known to have a high fungal and termite hazard. The layout of the pole stubs and treatments given at this and subsequent installations is shown in Appendix 1. Inspections of the poles are being carried out on a regular basis, the last inspection being in September, 1983. A representative number of poles were also examined from those installed and treated in March and October, 1979, and November, 1980. Interest stimulated by these tests has resulted in an increasing number of local and overseas suppliers of protective applications to poleswanting to test their products at this site, the last new installation being in October, 1983.