Above Ground Proximity Decay Field Trial of Modified ACQ-A, Wolman® CA-B and Wolman® CA-C in Taiwan
IRG/WP 23-30793
J-Y Gan
An above ground proximity decay field trial was established at Chiayi county, Taiwan in July 2016. The purpose of this study was to generate local field performance data for Taiwan for Slash Pine treated with Wolman® CA-B, Wolman® CA-C and a modified ACQ-A product at AWPA UC3B actives retention. After 6 years of field trial, the efficacy of the wood preservative in preventing decay fungi and termite infestation can be ranked as modified ACQ-A < Wolman® CA-C < Wolman® CA-B. All untreated control samples had failed after 5 years of field trial, none of the wood preservative treated samples failed during the field trial.