Dura-Treet II, a water dispersible pentachlorophenol
IRG/WP 3165
D B Hatcher
During the past several decades, penta petroleum wood treating has become increasingly popular. Penta is an effective chemical compound against wood organisms causing decay and rot, is safe to handle, also clean and easy to use. In terms of preservative cost, it has been and remains by far the least expensive of the three major preservatives. However, when the cost of petroleum carrier is added, the penta petroleum process has become as costly as other processes There appears to be no end to the increase in petroleum costs and there may even be substantially reduced availability in the future. All of these factors indicate a need for treating processes which will keep the pressure treating industry competitive and profitable in the face of intense competition from other materials. The laboratory tests have indicated the Dura-Treet II process to be equal to a penta petroleum treatment when evaluated for fungi resistance, resistance to leaching and placement of preservative (pentachlorophenol) in the cell walls. It has also been shown that corrosion problems are not inherent to the system. Preliminary results of strength or static bending tests have proceeded far enough to show that there are no adverse effects when Dura-Treet II is compared to penta petroleum. Plant scale tests on posts and lumber plus commercial usage have shown Dura-Treet II to be a viable and efficient process which lends itself to commercial plant conversion. Large scale experimental tests also indicates the process to be suitable for use on poles. These results, plus the economics of a water carrier with potential energy savings, indicates a system which deserves consideration from those interested in maintaining a strong, competitive wood preserving industry.