Quantifying the effect of microclimatic parameters on the moisture-induced decay risk of wooden structures

IRG/WP 19-20649

L Emmerich, C Brischke

Wood exposed outdoors is prone to fungal degradation. Besides its material-inherent resistance, numerous factors are impacting on its service life with both, climate and design having a major effect. In addition, topography, shading, wind barriers, and other local parameters have an effect on the microclimatic conditions at site and therefore need to be quantified for service life prediction of wooden structures. Within this study we monitored differently severe exposed wooden components, which were implemented in hunting towers serving as test objects on a small but topographically divergent area. The set of instrumented hunting towers showed high potential to deliver the data needed to further quantify the effect of local conditions on the exposure dose of wooden components with respect to topography and canopy. Preliminary data already from the first months of exposure revealed significant differences in exposure-related parameters and the service life of wooden structural elements to be expected under different microclimatic conditions

Keywords: decay, moisture content monitoring, service life prediction, water trap

Conference: 19-05-12/16 Quebec City, Canada

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