Antisapstain field trials of NeXgen in New Zealand
IRG/WP 97-30145
R N Wakeling, T L Woods, D R Eden, C M Chittenden, B Carpenter
This document covers the results of summer and winter log trials of NeXgen, an antisapstain formulation containing methylene bis thiocyanate plus chlorothalonil. Log billets (20 - 25cm diameter) were stripped of bark using a commercial maul debarker and antisapstain treated within 8 hours of felling by dip application. Billets were stored in a pole barn and assessed for internal sapstain and decay and surface mould at 8, 16 and 24 weeks. The performance of NeXgen was compared with two commercial standards tested at 5% (IPBC at 0.35% plus DDAC at 3%v) and 20% (acid solubilised oxine copper at 0.75%). These two formulations are used for protecting export radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) logs in New Zealand. For 24 weeks of winter storage and 16 weeks of summer storage, NeXgen applied to radiata pine log billets at a concentration of 2%w/v (MBT at 0.29% plus chlorothalonil at 0.29%) gave significantly (5% level of probability) better protection against sapstain and at least equivalent protection against decay and surface mould compared to two commercial standards tested at 5%w/v (IPBC at 0.35% plus DDAC 3%) and 20% (oxine copper at 0.75%).