Decay of wood in outdoor above ground applications: Preview of results on the effect of climate and species in Spain

IRG/WP 17-20600

J I Fernández-Golfin Seco, M Conde García, M R Diez Barra, M Conde García, L Acuña Rello, E Torres Álvarez, E Perea Alonso, M T Troya

Within the framework of the Project BIA-42434R titled ‘Evaluation of the functional performance of wood in outdoor above ground applications’, seven trials containing seven pieces of sawn wood measuring 750x100x20mm3, belonging to seven different wood species (Scots pine, Radiata pine, Laricio pine, sweet chestnut, eucalyptus, Thermo-treated radiata pine and Spruce), were exposed to unprotected outdoor conditions at seven different locations (Asturias, Palencia, Valencia, Madrid, Cordoba, Huelva and Vitoria). Temperature and moisture content evolution of the wood were monitored every two hours using Scanntronik devices (Thermofox+Gigamodule). Stainless steel screws inserted from the outer face to the centre of the pieces (10 mm) were used as sensors, the first 7mm of which were Teflon covered to avoid measuring the surface moisture. The initial conclusions that can be drawn from the data obtained during 20-24 months with regard to the effect of species on the performance of wood outdoors under different climatic conditions are presented in this work.

Keywords: durability, parametric durability, wood climate

Conference: 17-06-04/08 Ghent, Belgium

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