Wet and dry adhesion of coatings on modified and unmodified wood: influence of 18 months of natural weathering on the pull-off test and cross-cut test results
IRG/WP 11-40569
L Podgorski, G GrĂ¼ll, M Truskaller, J D Lanvin, S Bollmus
The objective of this paper is to study the influence of several types of modification (acetylation, furfurylation, heat treatment) on coatings adhesion after 18 months of natural weathering according to EN 927-3 in Vienna (Austria).
The paper compares two methods for assessing the adhesion: the cross-cut test (EN ISO 2409) which is the conventional method used and recommended in EN 927-3 and the pull-off test specified in ISO 4624. The influence of the test condition (dry or wet) is also investigated.
Results are part of the WoodExter project funded by the Woodwisdom-net and complete document IRG/WP 10-40524 which presented adhesion results before weathering.