Using satellite-retrieved soil moisture data to model the decay risk of in-ground timber

IRG/WP 22-20689

P B van Niekerk, M Schönauer, B N Marais, C Brischke

Satellite-derived soil moisture data from the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) was extracted for a 9 x 9 km point grid over Europe. The data was then used as input to a dose-response wood decay model based on terrestrial microcosm (TMC) tests. The resulting hazard map plotted dose as an indicator of in-ground wood decay based on differences in annual temperature and soil moisture characteristics. Unlike aboveground hazard maps, the dose presented is specific to in-ground conditions that generally require less lag time until the onset of decay. In addition, regions with low decay risk were able to reflect either waterlogged or dry soil conditions, both unfavourable for fungal decay processes. This highlights the necessity for further research into the effect of waterlogged conditions, especially on wooden components extending outside of the soil.

Keywords: soil, moisture, active, passive, SMAP, service life, in-ground decay

Conference: 22-05-29/06-02 Bled, Slovenia

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