Moisture monitoring in WW2 partisan hospital Franja

IRG/WP 16-20596

M Humar, N Thaler, B Lesar, A Žagar

Material climate of wood used for construction of WW2 Partisan hospital Franja was monitored for approximately one year. Partisan hospital is located in the bottom of tiny gorge Pasice in Slovenia. Hence, wood moisture content on eight respective location and wood temperature was determined twice per day with Scanntronik equipment Gigamodul and Thermofox. The results clearly showed that despite of the fact that wood was predominately used in above ground application; moisture content of wood was rather high. At six out of eight locations moisture content of wood exceeds 20% all of the time. In respective location wood have to sufficiently protected to prevent fungal decay.

Keywords: moisture monitoring, copper, wood preservatives, Norway spruce

Conference: 16-05-15/19 Lisbon, Portugal

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