Which are the best painting methods for the beech wood products protection?
IRG/WP 09-40477
A Bajraktari
Beech wood (Fagus Sylvatica L.) is one of the most important species of the wood in Kosovo. About 33% of the trees in our country are beech wood. The wood products in Kosovo are from the beech wood. The color difference between red heart wood and white wood of the beech is significant. The main problem for the wood companies in our country is that they haven’t adequate protection against weathering (snow, rain and low temperature) and leaching of preservative components into the environment. This problem becomes more important in the non-covered areas. The problems of the painting become apparent after one year of the weathering. The aim of our study is to assess the best way to protect beech wood products from the weathering and to maximally reduce the leaching. We tried different forms of the painting: film forming, non film forming, transparent stain and semi transparent penetrating stain. The results of our study showed that the film forming and semitransparent penetrating stain are the best painting methods for the beech wood products protection, according to weathering performance and coating properties.