Prevelence of termite infestation and wood preferences in Pakistan
IRG/WP 09-10695
F Manzoor, S Asma Malik
In order to know about prevalence of termite infestation in Pakistan, A study was carried out to know the intensity of infestation of different species of termites to different types of woods used in buildings as well as in the forests. Heterotermes indicola was the most notorious species of termite present in buildings, grounds throughout the year while Odontotermes obesus was most common in forests. Of the different kinds of woods used in buildings, Sagwan was reported to be highly resistant in buildings. As far as public perception of termites is concerned, only 2% of the people have the knowledge about termite and its proper treatment. In the second part of study, 10 heartwoods of local timbers used in Pakistan were evaluated for their ability to resist termite damage by Heterotermes indicola. Woods were evaluated for forced feeding and not forced feeding bioassays in the laboratory as well in the field for 4- weeks. Tested woods were evaluated for Mean visual ratings, Mean wood mass loss and Mean % mass loss. At the end of experiment, in the field for H. indicola, the wood specimens were arranged in the following descending order of preference Ficus religiosa(FR)< Albizzia lebbeck (AL) < Eucalyptus citriodora(EC) < Heterophragma adenophyllum (HA) < Terminalia arjuna (TA) < Melia azedarach ( MA) < Alstonia scholaris (AS) < Abies pindrow (AP) < Pinus wallichiana (PW) < Erythrina suberosa (ES). In laboratory experiments, both by choice and No choice feeding, the woods were arranged the following order of preference
Heterophragma adenophyllum (HA)< Ficus religiosa(FR)< Terminalia arjuna (TA)< Albizzia lebbeck(AL) < Pinus wallichiana (PW) < Alstonia scholaris (AS)< Erythrina suberosa (ES)< Eucalyptus citriodora (EC) < Abies pindrow (AP) < Melia azedarach ( MA).