Preservative treatment of Golla cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana) by pressure process

IRG/WP 07-40379

K Akhter, M Hoque Chowdhury

The feasibility of preservative treatment of golla cane (Daemonorops jenkinsiana (Griff) Mart). by pressure process has been studied using water borne preservatives CCB (copper-chrome-boron). Cane samples of three different lengths 1m, 2m and 3 m. were treated at different pressure and time period to evaluate the extent of penetration and retention of preservative chemicals. It was observed that the complete penetration was not possible for 3-meter length sample, using 7 Kg/m2 pressure and 1 hour time period by pressure process. Samples of small (1m) and medium (2m) length can be treated satisfactorily by the pressure process following a moderate treatment schedule (3.5 Kg/m2 & 30 minutes time period) with conventional water-borne preservative CCB (copper- chrome- boron).In air dry condition, an average dry salt retention (DSR) of 21.3 Kg/m3 and 22.5 Kg/m3 were obtained for small (1 m) and medium (2 m) length sample respectively.

Keywords: penetration, retention, pressure process, water borne preservative, copper-chrome-boron

Conference: 07-05-20/24 Jackson, USA

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