Visual appearance of unpainted wooden claddings during the first year of outdoor exposure: Evaluation of surface mould growth, lightness (L*) and wasp attack
IRG/WP 18-40841
S Karlsen Lie, L Ross Gobakken, G I Vestøl, O Høibø
This study addresses changes in visual appearance of unpainted wood materials exposed outdoors. Specimens of Norway spruce (Picea abies) Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), aspen (Populus tremula), acetylated Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) and DMDHEU-modified Scots pine sapwood were exposed facing south in Ås, Norway for 60 weeks. During this period, surface mould growth development and wasp attack were assessed visually. Development in lightness (L*) and the uniformity of the weather grey colour were assessed by image analysis. The mould rating of the tested wood materials developed in varying speed, but all specimens had reached the maximum rating after 42 weeks. Our results indicate that most specimens continued to darken after the specimens had reached maximum mould rating, and that evaluation of L* can provide additional information about the surface mould growth. Furthermore, our results indicate that most materials developed a less uniform appearance than what was initially, except from DMDHEU which obtained a more uniform appearance as a consequence of the weathering. This study also shows that wasp attack can give a lighter appearance of the wood by chewing off the top weathered layer. Different wood substrates were attacked in varying degree. Aspen was the substrate most severely attacked by wasps while the acetylated wood was not attacked at all during the 60 weeks of exposure.
Keywords: façades, weathering, mould, blue stain fungi, wasp, colour changes
Conference: 18-04-29/05-03 Johannesburg, South Africa