Investigation of Dimensional Stability and Coating Performance of Different Heat-Treated Poplar Wood Before and After Accelerated Aging

IRG/WP 15-40702

A Talaei, D Ansari Movahed, G Rassam

In this investigation, coating performance of heat-treated poplar wood (Populus tremuloioes) in different environments, before and after accelerated aging was studied. Specimens with 150×100×20 mm and 20×20×20 mm in dimensions were prepared. Heat treatments were performed in air, steam and linseed oil media. Specimens were coated by alkyd based stain. Adhesion strength before and after aging, long term water absorption and volumetric swelling were studied and analyzed statistically. The results showed that heat treatment increases the adhesion strength (especially in air and steam). By increasing the temperature, all specimens showed increases in adhesion strength, except adhesion strength before aging in oil-heat treated specimens. OHT increased adhesion strength of coating after accelerated aging. Heat treatment reduced the rate of water absorption and thereby improved the dimensional stability of the samples.

Keywords: heat treatment, adhesion strength, coating, accelerated aging

Conference: 15-05-10/14 Vina del Mar, Chile

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