Resistance of board materials against fungal decay: A comparative experiment on Kolle flask tests method and direct test method
IRG/WP 2243
G R Y Déon, L N Trong
Two sets of plywood (Aucoumea klaineana Pierre) 7 and 11 ply, treated by two preservatives, and untreated, were tested by two methods: 1. Kolle flask test method on malt-agar substrate according to the French standard NF B 51.295; 2. A direct test method in non sterile conditions according to DocNo: IRG/WP/2214. The exposure time far both methods was 12 weeks. After exposure, the degree of attack of the specimens was determined by static bending test. The statistic analysis of the average fracture stresses of different series showed that the direct test method was more reliable than Kolle flask test method.