Effects of CCA treatment on settlement and growth of barnacles under field conditions

IRG/WP 98-50116

S M Cragg, C Brown, R M Albuquerque, R A Eaton, P Goulletquer

As part of a field experiment at seven European marine sites evaluating the effects of CCA treatments on non-target marine organisms, panels treated to nominal loadings of 12, 24 and 48 kg/m3 CCA were exposed at marine sites around the coast of Europe. Within two weeks of exposure, a heavy settlement of barnacles took place on the panels exposed intertidally in France. The intensity of settlement was measured after four weeks. It was found to vary significantly with preservative loading and this variation could be described by a positive linear regression - the higher the loading, the higher the numbers of barnacles settling. The survival and growth of barnacles was assessed after six months exposure. Observations of numbers of identified adults on test panels from other sites suggested that some species of barnacle settle preferentially on CCA-treated wood while others do not. The findings give an insight into the impact during the period of greatest potential for leaching of heavy treatments with CCA on organisms living in intimate contact with the treated surface.


Conference: 98-06-14/19 Maastricht, The Low Countries

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