Influence of felling time on the natural durability of norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)
IRG/WP 98-10250
M Hirmke, K Messner, J Fellner, A Teischinger, R Wimmer
Natural durability was tested in a laboratory test according to EN 113. The test fungi were Coniophora puteana and Poria placenta. Additionally, the test method was modified by using water agar instead of malt agar, so that wood was the only nutrient source for the fungi. In a third attempt the samples were inoculated with Trichoderma harzianum before testing.
The trees were felled on the 22.7.97 and the 22.12.97 at the same site (Mariensee, Lower Austria). The distribution of moisture in all trees was typical and showed no significant difference between summer and winter. The durability of the samples taken in summer did not vary according to their position in the stem (sapwood, transition wood, heartwood).
By now (27.3.98) the durability test of the samples taken in winter is in progress - data will be available by the end of May and will be presented in Maastricht.
Conference: 98-06-14/19 Maastricht, The Low Countries