Comparative study on the leaching of wood preservatives between natural exposure and accelerating laboratory conditions
IRG/WP 99-50134
K Yamamoto, S Motegi, A Inai
Impregnated specimens with CCA, ACQ, and BAAC were subjected to leaching tests. Specimens of 2x2x1 cm3 in size were used for the laboratory leaching test for 10 days according to JIS K 1571. Specimens of 25x1 x1 cm3 were used for outdoor leaching test for 6 months. Total leaching amounts of boron per cm3 of specimens treated with BAAC were 325 µg in the laboratory test and 206 µg in the outdoor test through the leaching periods. Those of Cu from ACQ and CCA treated specimens were 400 µg and 41 µg in the former test and 97 µg and 16 µg in the latter test. Leaching amounts in the laboratory test was much higher in every elements than those in the outdoor test without exception.