Mold Control for Treated Lumber in Block-Stack Storage Conditions

IRG/WP 12-30588

L Jin, P Walcheski, A Preston

The mold development and control for freshly treated and block-stacked wood have been evaluated using a green house mold testing method. The results for the mold resistance of several commonly used water boron preservative treatment systems, such as ACQ, Copper Azole, and borates with and without inclusion of mold inhibitors are presented. The data suggest that the different preservative treatment systems have their own very different mold resistance characteristics. The addition of mold inhibitor or in some cases combination of mold inhibitors or additives can provide effective control of mold development. The results also suggest that the green house mold test method reported here can simulate the worst case scenario confronted by treated wood in block-stack situations during storage, retailing and installation.

Keywords: mold test, green house method, mold inhibitor, ACQ, Copper Azole, CA-C, Borate, DOT, Quat, water repellent, tebuconazole, propiconazole, isothiazolinone

Conference: 12-05-06/10 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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