Performance of field cut preservatives above-ground and in ground contact exposures

IRG/WP 19-30742

R Stirling, D Wong

Field cut preservatives are needed to protect cut ends and drill holes that expose the untreated interior of preserved wood. A series of field cut preservatives were assessed in ground contact and above-ground exposures. After 10 years in ground contact exposure, all of the untreated controls had failed or exhibited very advanced decay. In contrast, the copper naphthenate (2% Cu in mineral spirits) reference showed only low levels of decay in a few specimens. No decay was detected on specimens treated with copper azole. ACQ-D had similar levels of decay as the reference. After 10 years in an above-ground exposure, advanced decay was present on several of the untreated controls. In contrast, the copper naphthenate (2% Cu in mineral spirits) reference remained sound. Specimens treated with copper naphthenate (1% in water) and copper azole were also largely sound, with a few specimens showing early stage decay.

Keywords: end cut, field testing, preservatives

Conference: 19-05-12/16 Quebec City, Canada

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