Über Wespen als Holzverderber - Schäden, Ursachen, Bekämpfung
IRG/WP 189
S Cymorek
Observations and a number of actual cases over recent years show that wasps have been associated more frequently with damage to wood. The nature of such damage and the agents involved are as follows: 1. Decay following infestation by Woodwasps (Siricidae). 2. Punctate marks caused by superficial gnawing and also boring into wood by larvae of the Dock sawfly (Tenthredinidae). 3. Damage due to superficial scarification by Vespids (Vespidae). Little is known as yet of the causes of this damage and its connection with the insects. A better understanding would help in preventing damage to construction components as well as the loss of wood and would benefit the reputation of wood as a building material. Methods of prevention and control and of remedying the damage are mentioned, based on tests and practical experience.